Corporate Governance

CIÉ Policies 

Corporate governance comprises the systems and procedures by which organisations are directed, controlled and managed. High standards of corporate governance are critical to ensuring that CIÉ contributes positively to the State’s overall economic efficiency, competitiveness, social cohesion and regional development. The Board and Management of CIÉ are accountable for the proper management of the organisation and are strongly guided by best practice principles in meeting their responsibility to ensure that all activities meet the highest standards of corporate governance. The corporate governance framework typically comprises elements of legislation, regulation, self-regulatory arrangements, voluntary codes, commitments and business practices that have evolved within the organisation. Outlined below are a number of policies which have been adopted in CIÉ

CIÉ Protected Disclosures policy

The Protected Disclosures Act aims to protect public body employees who raise concerns of wrongdoings in the workplace. This policy will be monitored and will updated in line with guidelines issued by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and changes in relevant legislation.
Section 22 of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 requires the publication of an Annual Report relating to Protected Disclosures received.
The report shall contain details of:
• The number of protected disclosures made to the public body and
• The actions taken in response to those protected disclosures.
Pursuant to this requirement, the CIÉ Group has established internal and external reporting channels in accordance with the Act.
Of these, one has been fully investigated and closed and one remained open at the end of 2023.  CIÉ Group also confirms that four reports were dealt with in 2023 through external reporting channels, all of which were referred to another relevant procedure with no protected disclosures reports remaining open at the end of the year.

CIÉ Holding Company hereby confirms that no Protected Disclosures were received during 2023 in CIÉ Holding Company Protected Disclosures are processed in accordance with CIÉ’s Group Protected Disclosures Policy and Procedures
Click here to read the CIÉ Protected Disclosures policy

CIÉ Code of Conduct policy 

It is the policy of the CIÉ Group to maintain its high reputation for ethical behaviour and fair dealing in the conduct of its business.
Click here to read the Code of Conduct policy for Board Members and Directors
Click here to read the Code of Conduct policy for Employees

CIÉ Diversity and Inclusion policy 

The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate CIÉ’s commitment to equality of opportunity for existing and potential employees by promoting a work environment free from discrimination.
Click here to read the policy CIÉ Diversity and Inclusion policy

CIÉ Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy 

CIÉ is committed to the highest possible standards of propriety, quality, honesty, openness and accountability and to dealing with all allegations of corruption or bribery reported.  

The application of this policy is core to CIÉ’s integrity and is one of a number of policies that have been put in place to help inform the ethical behaviour that CIÉ expects from its employees, Board Members, executives, contractors, suppliers and agents who do business on behalf of CIÉ.  It should be read in conjunction with the policies set out in Appendix A.
Click here to read the CIÉ Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Polcy 

CIÉ Board Audit and Risk Committee Charter and Terms of Reference 

The CIÉ Board by resolution at its meeting on 10th January 1996 formally constituted an Audit Committee (subsequently renamed the Audit and Risk Committee and herein referred to as the “Committee”), a sub-committee of the CIÉ Board to review, report on and make recommendations to the CIÉ Board on the areas set out below. 
Click here to read the Charter and Terms of Reference 

CIÉ Lobbying 

CIÉ Holding Company has been registered as a lobbyist on the Register of Lobbying website maintained by the Standards Commission.  
Lobbying returns for CIÉ