Group Secretary

The Group Secretary is Secretary to the Board of CIÉ. The function involves collating papers for Board meetings, attending and taking Minutes of those meetings and noting the decisions and resolutions passed by the Boards. The Group Secretary also liaises with the Chair's and the Company Secretaries of the other subsidiary companies on company law and governance matters.

The Department’s other main functions include:

  • Advising the Boards on governance and compliance matters and in particular those arising under the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies 2016, the Transport Act 1950, the Transport (Re-organisation of Córas Iompair Éireann) Act 1986,  the Companies Act 2014, the Worker Participation legislation, Ethics legislation etc.,

  • Processing legal documents through the Boards,

  • Providing support services to Board Members,

  • CIÉ Data Protection Office – ensuring CIÉ is compliant with Data Protection Legislation, handling requests for access to personal data and overseeing the reporting of Data Protection related activities to the CIÉ Board Audit and Risk Committee,

  • Archiving of company secretarial and statutory records e.g. title deeds and old Minute Books,

  • Worker Director Elections and Maintenance of the Heuston Station HQ Building.

Image of Geraldine Finucane - Group SecretaryGeraldine Finucane

Group Secretary